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Reflections on My 30th Birthday

I’ve been deep in creation mode of some really, really mind blowingly inspiring regenerative community land projects in Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
I’m excited to share more about that in posts soon 😉
But as today is the last day of my 20’s before I turn 30 tomorrow, I figured I’d give myself a birthday gift.
I went and sat down in the backyard, stretched, took some deep breaths, relaxed with the birds…
Then figured I would program myself with my lifestyle operating system for my next decade.
I condensed as much of my desire into a single sentence, and wrote this in huge letters in my Notion at the top of the page:
“I let my fascination pay the bills while I live the lifestyle of a guru writer billionaire”
Then below I felt inspired to continue writing as the words started just pouring out of me…
I choose to deserve this lifestyle because I choose to accept my highest vision for humanity into my life now.
I welcome the energy of Infinite Love and Joy and Abundance into my heart, my soul, my body, my mind, my emotions, and my energy body, so that I am fully embodied in the relaxation into Divine Heaven energy which is being birthed on the planet.
Into this Age of Aquarius we have transitioned into.
There are millions of us who have felt this was coming and felt it happening in separate magical, fascinating, mysterious and mystical events.
These events may have felt so beautiful you struggled to understand what was happening.
Not enough of us have felt like we had the tools to describe what happened, so the conversation hasn’t happened with enough people for society to collectively feel like there has been a space for the conversation about awakening…
And all of the messy emotions the awakening process brings to the surface to be healed.
So now spiritual awakening experiences have happened to millions of people around the world who kept them private, locking that experience in the shame cellar next to sex and drugs - which are the only other places that general society knows how to experience ecstasy.
But now what’s beginning to happen is more and more people are starting to have the experience of spontaneous ecstasy.
Sometimes while meditating
Sometimes while watching eclipses
Sometimes while on a walk in nature
Or literally anywhere else.
Whenever your nervous system is relaxed, you are increasing your openness to this state.
This experience feels like coming home- when a supreme sense of serenity overcomes every cell in your body. The more you learn to let go, the more you learn to ride this wave of relaxation into deeper and deeper layers of awareness of your passion, genius and gifts.
You can accelerate this process through Kundalini breathwork practices done either by yourself or with a partner.
Some people call this work Tantra, or Sacred Sexuality.
My personal daily (not necessarily sexual) Kundalini breathwork practice has become the core best practice I’ve found to consistently create positive momentum in my steadily increasing experience of love and joy in my life over the last 2 years as I’ve been really committing to this work.
So for those that are having any awakening experiences they feel like they can’t talk to anyone about, this post is a safe space for you to step forward in trust.
Trust that you aren’t crazy no matter how many people in your circle may not understand.
Know that this experience was simply your central nervous system starting to receive Cosmic Energy through the piezoelectric crystals in your pineal gland, which then responded by secreting natural DMT into your brain.
The signal from the Cosmos/Heavens.
Some people experience more of this energetic susceptibility when they have cannabis in their system, because of the crystalline nature of molecules in the cannabis plant.
But as with any crystal, you must be very careful what energy you are applying into them because of how they store and transmute energy.
But THC or no THC, the body has the innate ability to transmit either Cosmic or Earth energy through its own pineal crystals.
Just be sure to always set clear intentions for the highest and best blessing to all before starting any of these practices.
So what’s causing the increase in Cosmic Energy?
Two factors that I know of, and maybe others I don’t:
1) Where our solar system has moved to in the galaxy, and
2) Increased solar flare activity.
A regularly maintained energetic antenna through this progressive acceleration of Cosmic energy allows us to experience a progressive acceleration of the feeling of Heaven, or “Christ Consciousness” as some call it.
It’s what Jesus meant when he said he would come again. His Consciousness. He didn’t invent this consciousness- he experienced it. Just like millions of humans have done throughout millennia.
Because the field that he, the Buddha, Rumi and many other enlightened masters knew is the same collective consciousness quantum field of available bliss and Infinite Intellignece that we all have access to.
Right now. Every day.
But remember, what goes up, must come down.
The reason they were called enlightened MASTERS was because they practiced, moment to moment, embodying that experience of bliss.
Through all of the emotions it brought up, they stayed true to the surrender to the intention of truth and love in their core.
They lived their life for it. They made it their mission to help everyone who wanted to learn, to have the singular gift of also experiencing that bliss.
But if you don’t consciously decide to channel all suppressed emotions out of your body through the chimney of forgiveness, and consciously put energy into the practice of letting go, you may experience a progressively deeper state of self-created hell.
This happens because your energy field is projecting an experience around you which mirrors the parasite of suppressed energy inside your body which your body is desiring to let go of.
You are not being tested.
You are being mirrored.
Through this process, it is up to you how much darkness you experience - for your darkness will come in direct proportion to the degree to which you have clogged your antennae.
This happens simply when you get so distracted by the voice in your brain that you forget to take care of the pain in your body, caused by stuck energy.
Clogged emotions get stuck when your body doesn’t move enough or if you clog your body with too much food.
Over-eating happens as a result of a fear of feeling some or all of your more challenging or confusing or hidden suppressed emotions.
Those emotions then remain lodged in the body in the form of tension and stiffness.
Excess food causes more blockages in the body’s antennae, which causes more suppressed emotion, which causes more clogging and less movement, which creates a downward spiral towards disease, which the body either welcomes in or manufactures in attempts to awaken the host out of the sickness.
Every physical sickness is the result of emotional sickness which is simply the result of quantum energy not flowing through the body.
So if you feel like you’re a lightworker in hiding, a truth seeker in denial, an awakened being in the shadows, or downright ostracized for your expression of your truth, feel free to introduce yourself in the comments below. It’s time the world sees how many of us there are.
At midnight tonight I pick up Kelly, the love of my life at the airport for the moment of my Saturn return when I turn 30.
And as I sat in meditation this morning, I felt it would be fun to share the insight that came through about all this happening.
I figured it might be a gift to someone out there.
But now I’m realizing it’s a gift to me to be able to share this with you.
Because writing about what I’m fascinated by is my art.
And it turns out sharing our gifts with the world is the best way to unclog our bliss antennaes.
So thank you for receiving this message. It really is the greatest gift I could receive on my 30th birthday.
May your day be filled with Love, Joy and Abundance 🙏🏻 ♥️